Thursday, April 16, 2020

Versions of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students

Versions of Romeo and Juliet Essay The version which sticks closer to the play is Zefferellis version. Its more like what the scenery was like when it was written and would of take place then. The one that was more successful in my opinion is the Lurmans version, its more modern and more enjoyable to watch. I prefer Lurhmans simply because it is basically modern. I dont think I would be able to watch and enjoy Zefferellis because of the scenery and how old it is. Lurhmans is better to enjoy and would rather by me because new is better. Zefferellis can offer the background clothes and language used in his version. Lurhmans it again modern in his version. In his version they use props and clothes that we use today. The buildings in Zefferellis are palaces and castles and are replaced by buildings and office blocks. We will write a custom essay on Versions of Romeo and Juliet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The costumes and props used in Zefferellies film the period i.e swords and daggers and period clothing. Lurhmans they replaced swords with guns as well as replacing horses with cars. Costumes where what we wear today. The music in each version are what you would hear in that time. Zefferellis version, the music that was played was by a single hand trumpet and the type of tune played was dictated by the scene on screen i.e slow for conversations and fierce for fight scenes. Lurhmans soundtrack was orchestral instruments of operatic voices through other types of music i.e dance music, rock music for party scenes and background radio of a modern type was used. The scenery and settings of the play were changed, the palaces and mansions of old Verona were replaced with modern buildings and office blocks. They are very different from each other. Zefferellis had little fruit stalls and someone behind selling the fruit. In Lurhmans version is basically replaced with shops selling a lot more than fruit. The interpretation of characters is (to me) very different from each other. I think Id get through Lurhmans movie understanding whats being said more than Zefferellis movie. The language in Lurhmans is more understanding than Zefferellis definitely. The way they dress is different, tights to trousers and so on. Rucushio in the modern one is more lively and understandable. In the old one he doesnt really know what hes on about, hes a step in step out person. The themes of the plays that I see if love, hatred, revenge, life and death. Maybe not a lot of revenge in Zefferellis. Lurhmans has everything, you can feel the themes of his version when watching his movie. Zefferellis you just cant really enjoy it mostly because its old. The concepts I would use if I was to stage William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet would be the modern language, the modern setting and clothes. Maybe the guns instead of the swords, or using the guns and the swords in the one play. Make the setting what its like today not 6-7 years ago even though nothing has changed a bit. A scene I want to compare in both versions of Romeo and Juliet is the scene just at the end of each film at the chapel. They have different arrangements that happen through the whole scene. Zefferellis takes place in a dark, quiet room that isnt all that big. Romeo takes poison says his last goodbyes then Juliet awakes then is devastated and stabs herself with a dagger. Lurhmans version, Romeo takes poison, Juliet wakes up and shoots herself with a gun and they are in a much bigger chapel with neons and candles all around. My conclusion of what I have proved is that a lot has changed, the background, then clothes and the movie. We are in their 2000s not the 1900s or 1800s any more.

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