Sunday, February 9, 2020

Globally, what is the commercial and residential use and reliance on Research Paper

Globally, what is the commercial and residential use and reliance on oil - Research Paper Example Department of Energy, 2008). Distillate fuel oils which include diesel fuel and home heating oil have a wide range of applications. They are used as fuel in diesel engines, electrical power generation, railroad engines, and agricultural machinery. Distillate fuel oils make up about 23.5% of all oils used in the U.S. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2008). Kerosene-type jet fuel is used in aircraft engines powered by turbines and contributes to 9.2% of total oil and oil products used in the U.S. The manufacture of electrodes and chemical products involves the use of petroleum coke as a raw material. This oil product is produced as a residue from oil distillation process in oil refineries. Petroleum coke is also used to generate heat in steel industry ovens (U.S. Department of Energy, 2008). This accounts for 4.9% of oil used in the global market. Refining process also produces residual fuel oil which is a heavy fuel used in shipping, factories, and for the generation of electric power. Residual fuel oil accounts for 3.8% of all oil uses in all sectors of the global economy (Duggan-Haas et al, 2011). The heaviest residual in the oil refineries called bitumen is used in various constructions in works such as playgrounds, highways, sidewalks and roads. Petrochemicals used in the manufacture of synthetic goods are also manufactured using oil as the raw material. Moving parts of machines wear out due to friction. Oil lubricants such as grease are used in moving parts of engines, machines, and equipment (U.S. Department of Energy 2008). Most of domestic lighting and heating uses kerosene as fuel. Kerosene is one of the lightest products from the oil refinery process. Other products of oils refining process such as olefins, methane, and ethane among others are used in petrochemical manufacturing. They are used in domestic gas cookers and other gas tanks. Currently fossil fuels and natural gas contribute 87 percent of

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