Saturday, December 28, 2019

Labor Relations Paper - 1115 Words

A union is an organization of workers who join together in order to have a voice in improving their jobs and the quality of work within the organization. In many occasions, unions help employees of an organization negotiate pay, benefits, flexible hours and other work conditions that may arise. Unions have a role because some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers and management (Noe, 2003). In this paper, I will be discussing the impact of unions and labor relations within an organization. Labor Unions Labor unions represent workers interests and the collective bargaining process provides a way to manage the conflict (Noe, 2003). More than ever, union employees have come to see unionizing as a way to achieve an†¦show more content†¦In most cases, bargaining agreements governs wages, benefits, and the working conditions for the union coalition employees. The agreements also set common goals and ground rules for the employee s and management. When management and labor employees have a difficulty coming into agreements, the bargaining process breaks down. To bring difficult negotiations to an end, unions may possibly decide to strike. Strikes A strike is a collective decision of the union members not to work until certain demands or conditions are met (Noe, 2003). If the majority of the union members vote to strike, the union will strike. Most strikes usually have union employees not show up to work to perform his/her day-to-day duties but rather have the union employees picket outside the organization. While the union employee is on strike, the employer does not pay the employee his/her wage. In many strikes, the unions help the employees compensate their wages while they are on strike. The purpose of a strike is to make the employer lose production because the regular employee s do not show up to work. The vast majority of labor-management negotiations do not result in a strike, and the number of strikes has plunged since the 1950s (Noe, 2003). Are unions still relevant in the United States? Unions are still very relevant in the United States. Labor relations remain an important competency for HR professionals despite the long-termShow MoreRelatedLabor Relations Research Paper2081 Words   |  9 PagesMG420 DL Labor Relations Research Assignment (Arthur Crump) (September 27, 2009) Professor Stroud    1. Define and discuss the term â€Å"collective bargaining.† Include and discuss [showing relevance or applicability] a current web-based news item/magazine article about a real life example of a collective bargaining action. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article you ve provided along with your critical comments about that article. Support your findings with referencedRead MoreLabor Relations Paper1101 Words   |  5 Pagesconditions that may arise. 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